BONUS, the joint Baltic Sea research and development programme for years 2010-2017, was started by the BONUS member states together with the EU and officially launched in September 2010 by a co-decision of the European Parliament and the European Council as a Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) Article 185 activity.

In support of sustainable development and ecosystem based management of the Baltic Sea region, the HELCOM Baltic Sea Action Plan and the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive and other European, regional and national coastal and marine environmental policies and plans, BONUS:

  • issues calls on ecosystem research and innovation for scientific community and SMEs
  • funds projects of high excellence and relevance 1) to produce knowledge, scientific evidence and innovation solutions needed by policymakers and 2) to engage end-users and the society in the knowledge based governance of the fragile Baltic Sea.

BONUS vision
Economically and ecologically prosperous Baltic Sea region where resources and goods are used sustainably and where the long-term management of the region is based on sound knowledge derived from multidisciplinary research.

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