21.12.2011 02.05.2018
Application Phase
Selection phase
Funding phase

Environmentally and Socially Compatible Transformation of the Energy System

Since 2013, BMBF has provided some €30 million to 33 research consortia whose work focuses on shaping the energy switch in Germany. These projects aim to tackle current problems with future-proof solutions and aid the transformation of the energy system in an environmentally and socially compatible way...

The energy switch in Germany hails a paradigm shift in energy supply. Future energy policy will focus less on maintaining a large capacity reserves and more on making energy available for immediate needs while generating that energy in the most environment-friendly way possible. It is thus necessary to expand supply networks, to introduce new technologies in energy provision and to decentralise and regionalise associated structures. In introducing this paradigm shift, the social issues involved are of key importance. The energy switch can only be achieved if people's needs and expectations receive adequate consideration, including in terms of participation and equity, and if market requirements are taken into account. The research projects thus place particular focus on acceptance and participation, governance of transformation processes and development options for the energy system.

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