01.11.2014 01.12.2018
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Societal Transformation in the Face of Climate Change Social-ecological Research

The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) has provided some €1 million for supporting the joint European funding measure “Societal Transformation in the Face of Climate Change”. The measure funds six transnational collaborative research projects working on societal implications of climate change.

Our world is facing new societal, ecological and economic challenges and problems caused by climate change and its consequences. Such challenges require joint efforts through multinational approaches. Therefore, in 2008 the European Council established 10 JPIs (Joint Programming Initiatives) to facilitate the cooperation of research activities between European member states to address the grand societal challenges.

JPI Climate is one of these joint programming initiatives. 14 European member states participate in this initiative aimed at strengthening European climate research. JPI Climate provides a platform for aligning national research priorities and coordinating a transnational research base in Europe. The aim is to promote networking between different states and research disciplines and to help avoid duplication of research efforts and reduce fragmentation. The funding measure aims to facilitate research activities in the European Research Area that inform and support societal transformations in the face of climate change. It is designed as a transdisciplinary approach to include potential change agents in society, decision-makers as well as users of climate knowledge.

Further information on Website JPI-Climate

1. SELFCITY - Collective governance, innovation and creativity in the face of climate change (pdf)
Leading Principal Investigator: Professor Eberhard Rothfuss, University of Bayreuth, Germany
Partner PIs from Germany, the Netherlands and UK
Awarded funding: 880 421 EUR
Homepage: http://selfcity-project.com

2. EPCC - European perceptions of climate change: Scepticism, energy preferences and societal transformation (pdf)
Leading Principal Investigator: Professor Nick Pidgeon, Cardiff University, UK
Partner PIs from France, Germany, Norway and UK
Awarded funding: 1 102 578 EUR
Homepage: http://www.zirius.eu/projects/epcc.htm

3. HOPE - Household Preferences for reducing greenhouse gas Emission in four European High Income Countries (pdf)
Leading Principal Investigator: Professor Rainer Sauerborn, Heidelberg University, Germany
Partner PIs from France, Germany, Norway and Sweden
Awarded funding: 1 327 426 EUR
Homepage: http://hope-project.net

4. Mobilizing grassroots capacities for sustainable energy transitions: path improvement or path change? (pdf)
Leading Principal Investigator: Associate Professor Mark Wiering, Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands
Partner PIs from Denmark, the Netherlands and Sweden
Awarded funding: 868 901 EUR

5. Social-Ecological Transformations: HUMan-ANimal Relations Under Climate Change in NORthern Eurasia (pdf)
Leading Principal Investigator: Professor Bruce Forbes, University of Lapland, Finland
Partner PIs from Finland, Norway, Sweden and UK
Awarded funding: 2 065 507 EUR

6. Societal transformation and adaptation necessary to manage dynamics in flood hazard and risk mitigation (pdf)
Leading Principal Investigator: Associate Professor Sven Fuchs, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Austria
Partner PIs from Austria, France, Ireland and the Netherlands
Awarded funding: 753 691 EUR

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