The AMBER project from the BMBF funding measure "Junior Research Groups: Climate, Environment and Health" researches how active mobility contributes to promoting health and environmental protection
Cycling, walking, public transport - how can active mobility contribute to health and climate change mitigation? The AMBER junior research group is investigating the perspectives in an inter- and transdisciplinary research design.

Active mobility - i.e. cycling, walking and using public transport - gets the body moving and promotes both health and environmental and climate protection. Current research is already investigating individual connections between health and climate protection-related factors, for example between active movement and air pollution.
Against this background, the aim of the junior research group "AMBER" (Active Mobility for maintained Benefits of Health and Environment), is to integrate all factors known so far in a comprehensive investigation on an individual, organisational, societal and ecological level. Current and future connections between health and climate change will be considered in the context of active mobility. In doing so, the junior research group is also investigating the role played by various change agents. Change agents can be companies, civil society organisations, political actors and citizens. They can contribute to the mobility transition through various measures and behavioural changes.
Citizen science projects are a central component of this research. Citizens and companies research how active mobility affects health and climate change - under current conditions as well as in future scenarios. On the one hand, an application on the mobile phones (app) of the study participants will be used to collect data for climate modelling scenarios and to initiate transformation processes. On the other hand, the role of individuals and organisations for a mobility transition will be examined with the help of further studies.
In the junior research group, competences from health and environmental psychology, the field of public health, meteorology and sustainability management complement each other. In an inter- and transdisciplinary research design, the junior research group works closely with corporate and civil society practice partners and a scientific advisory board. The research of the junior research group is intended to contribute to bringing together the perspectives of different actors in order to identify and sustainably implement key factors for the promotion of active mobility.
The AMBER junior research group is a joint project between the Free Universtiy of Berlin and the Institute for Ecological Economy Research (IÖW). The BMBF is funding AMBER with around 2.3 million euros from 2023 to 2028.
Project lead Free University of Berlin
Dr. Jan Keller (Research Assistant)
Free University of Berlin
Department of Education and Psychology
Department of Health Psychology
Habelschwerdter Allee 45
14195 Berlin
Phone: +49 30 83854906
Project lead Institute for Ecological Economy Research (IÖW)
Dr. Vivian Frick (Research Associate)
Institute for Ecological Economy Research GmbH
Potsdamer Str. 105
10785 Berlin
Phone: +49 30 884 594-0
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