GreenCityLabHuế – Strengthening climate resilience of urban regions in Central Vietnam through nature-based solutions for heat adaptation and air quality improvement

Climate resilience through nature-based solutions: Together with Vietnamese stakeholders, the GreenCityLabHuế project aims to create a more sustainable, resilient and thus greener future for the city of Huế by means of nature-based solutions.

The aim of the GreenCityLabHuế project is to strengthen the climate resilience of the city of Huế through nature-based solutions (NBS) with a focus on adapting to heat and improving air quality. For this purpose, the project will create a multidisciplinary research and experiment space to develop, test, visualize, discuss and implement ideas and concepts for the restoration and expansion of green-blue infrastructures (GBI) and thus the promotion of NBS in Huế. In cooperation with actors from science, politics, administration, and civil society, the international project consortium will generate common knowledge for stakeholders and decision-makers on NBS, which will be brought together in a city-wide vision document - a strategy with models and best practice recommendations for a greener, more resilient and more sustainable urban development of Huế with proposals for specific measures for the implementation of GBI.

By providing information and scenarios based on qualitative research, layered GIS modeling, impact assessment and the Urban Learning Lab approach, the project will inspire stakeholders and decision makers in Huế and other Vietnamese cities to advance the development of GBI in include your planning processes. Knowledge transfer and the participation of actors and the public in the development of scenarios and planning processes create opportunities for mutual learning and build capacities for joint design processes within administration, science and the public.

In the definition phase, the project developed a typology of GBI elements and, based on this, first narratives and scenarios for possible GBI developments in Huế. In the research and development phase (R&D), the focus is on revising the models for land use change, carrying out an impact assessment and participatory co-design and co-learning processes, combined with practical examples of NBS implementation. Building on this, the Green City Vision Huế, an urban development strategy for the GBI and NBS area, is being developed together with local stakeholders.


Project lead:

Dr. Michael Zschiesche
Unabhängiges Institut für Umweltfragen – UfU e.V.
Greifswalder Str. 4
10405 Berlin

Tel.: 030 – 4284 993 32


Project partner:

Prof. Dr. Dagmar Haase
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Geographisches Institut, Abteilung Landschaftsökologie
Unter den Linden 6
10099 Berlin

Tel.: 030 – 2093-9445


Further project partners:

  • Mientrung Institute for Scientific Research
  • Hue Institute for Development Studies
  • Hué University of Science

Project website GreenCityLabHue

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