Energy research (5 projects)
In the field of energy research, the main focus is on finding solutions for a sustainable, secure and affordable energy supply that is based on renewable energy sources. This includes basic research on the development of new materials for the efficient generation, storage and use of renewable energy. This also includes highly innovative concepts as well as technical and digital solutions for creating a sustainable energy system based on renewable sources of energy. The aim is to support projects that focus on the development of marketable, long-term solutions and on systems analysis and scenario development for the transition to renewable energy while taking global economic, social and environmental consequences and challenges into account.

Dr Heechae Choi
Amorphous-crystal junction: a new class of cost-effective, high activity photochemical semiconductors
This project aims to develop a new class of materials for the generation of renewable energy, which are more powerful and more cost-effective than standard materials.
Institute: Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, University of Cologne
Website: Link
E-mail: h.choi(at)

Professor Andreas Goldthau
Low Carbon Transition in Developing Countries: How To Ensure Energy Justice?
The transformation of the global energy system poses the biggest challenges to the countries of the Global South as they have a significant need to catch up in terms of low carbon technologies. The ISIGET project looks at how risks can be mitigated, obstacles circumvented and the "transformation dividend" be fairly distributed.
Institute: Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies e.V. (IASS), Potsdam
Website: Link
E-mail: andreas.goldthau(at)

Dr Eric Hill
Nanocomposites and Materials for Energy Solutions
In recent years, it has become clear that the direct conversion of light energy from the sun to chemical energy can be facilitated through advances in photocatalytic materials. This project aims to investigate the chemistry at the interface of photocatalytic nanomaterials as a means to advance clean energy technologies.
Institute: Institute of Physical Chemistry, Universität Hamburg
Website: Link
E-mail: eric.hill(at)

Dr Yutsung Tsai
Lateral multi-junctions of 2-D transition metal dichalcogenides as optoelectronic platform for transparent photovoltaics
This group is working on investigating and developing new types of ultra-thin semiconductors for use in transparent photovoltaic systems in order to harness new possibilities for energy generation besides classic solar panel systems.
Institute: Helmholtz Centre Berlin for Materials and Energy
E-mail: yu-tsung.tsai(at)

Dr Michael Zürch
Quantifying Ultrafast non-Equilibrium dynamicS in semicon-ducTor quantum nanomaterials for nExt geNEration eneRGY Materials – QUESTforENERGY
This project examines the processes at work in the initial interaction of light and charge carriers in novel semiconductor materials. This work will help optimize the use of these materials in new ultrafast optoelectronic applications and also help advance the design of even better materials.
Institute: Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Website: Link
E-mail: michael.zuerch(at)
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